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Field Trip: Flower Piano at Night


Saturday, July 20, 2019


San Francisco Botanical Garden
Golden Gate Park
Main Gate - at the corner of Ninth Ave. at
1199 9th Avenue
San Francisco, CA  


Field Trip

Registration Info

Registration is recommended

About this event


This is a great event for photographers, non-photographer significant others and friends to enjoy the beauty of the San Francisco Botanical Garden, and live music from professional musicians.  For photography, this should be a great setting for event, street, portrait, environmental portrait, flora and night photography.  

This is the 5th annual Flower Piano event at the San Francisco Botanical Garden.  From July 11 to 22, Twelve Pianos are placed at various scenic locations in the garden.  During this time, amateur and professional pianists and other musicians perform.  In addition, confident visitors to the garden may find an unused piano and show their skills as a pianist.

On a few special days, of which Saturday, July 20 is one, excellent professional musicians perform with scheduled programs.  Performers include members of the San Francisco Symphony as well as special performances such as 100 hula dancers performing traditional and modern hula.  

You can attend all of the above by just buying a standard admission ticket to the garden for the day -- which you may want to purchase in advance, in case admissions are limited.

In addition, on this day from 8pm to 11pm there is the Gala Special Event with special theatrical lighting and other effects, food trucks and bars.  A special ticket is required to go to this night event - see below for ticketing information.

Plan going to this event along one of the following three plans 1) Afternoon only using a regular Garden admission, 2) Only the Flower Piano at Night Special Event from 8pm to 11pm, or 3) do both 1 and 2 -- which is what I am doing.

Expected level of Physical Effort to go to this event
The Garden covers 55 acres, so if you try to stop by all 12 piano locations you may get tired.However you can livit your activity and still enjoy the event by focusing on the activities near the Great Meadow.

For more information about the event once on site, go to the SF Botanical Garden Event website at:

Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)
Field Trip: Flower Piano at Night